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Минусовка «Linkin Park – Remember The Name».

ИсполнительLinkin Park
НазваниеRemember The Name
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Свойства файла03:50, 5,39 Мб. Частота записи: 44 kHz. Битрейт: 320 kbps.
Тип записимастер
Дата добавления15 Сентября 2011 г.
Тематика песни, теги


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Текст песни «Linkin Park – Remember The Name»
You ready?
Let’s go

For those of you who wanna know what we’re all about
Its like this y’all

this is 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name

He doesn’t need his name up in lights
He just wants to be heard whether it’s the beat or the mic
He feels so unlike every body else, alone
In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
But Fuck ’em
He knows the code:
It’s not about the salary, it’s all about reality
And making some noise
Making the story
Making sure his clique stays up
That means when he puts it down, Tak’s pickin it up

Who the hell is he anyway?
He never really talks much
Never concerned with status
But still leavin’ ’em starstruck
Humbled through oppurtunities
Givin despite the fact
That many misjudge him
Because he makes a living from writing raps
Put it together himself
And the picture connects
Never askin for someones’ help, or to get some respect
His only focus is what he wrote
His will is beyond reach
And now it all unfolds
The skill of an artist

This is 20% skill
80% beer
Be 100% clear
’cuz Ryu is ill
Who woulda thought he’d be the one to set the west in flames
I heard him record with the Crystal Method name of the game
Came back dropped megadef, took ’em to church
I like bleach man
Ryu had the stupidest verse
This dude is the truth
Now everybody’s givin’ him guest spots
The stock through the roof
I heard he’s fuckin with s-dot!

this is 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name

They call him Ryu The Sick
And he’s spitting fire and mic
Got him out the dryer he’s hot
got him in fort Minor With Tak
He’s a fucking nihilist porcupine
He’s a prick hes a cock
The type women wanna be with and rappers hope he gets shot
8 years and the makin’
Patiently waitin’ to blow
Now the record with Shinoda’s
Takin over the globe
He’s got a partner in crime
His shit is equally dope
You won’t believe the kinda shit that comes outa of this kids throat

He’s out there every day on the block
He knows how to work with what hes got makin his way to the top
He often gets a comment on his name
People keep askin’ him was it
Given at birth
Or was it stand for an acronym
He’s livin’ proof, look at him rockin the booth
He’ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice
Him and his crew are known around as one of the best
Dedicated to what they do, and give 100%

Forget mike
Nobody really knows how or why, he works so hard it seems like he has never got time
Becuz he writes every note, and he writes every line
And i’ve seen him at work, when that light goes on in his mind
It’s like a design is written in his head every time
Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme
And those mothafuckas he runs with, the kids that he signed, rediculous
Without even tryin’
How do they do it?

this is 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name

this is 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name

Текст добавил(а): yuraa


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